Date: November 3, 2023
Time: 8:00 am  to  3:00 pm

Patrick “Packy” Mader is excited to present two very different programs at the Minnesota Nonpublic School Accredited Association on Friday, November 3rd.  One session will be devoted to encountering opportunities to teach reading skills in children’s picture books including foreshadowing, making predictions, and drawing conclusions in his four richly illustrated books.

The second session features Minnesota Olympians in a variety of sports and wide range of eras and how they now “give back” to their sport, schools, and community.  The only books on this topic on the market, Packy has traveled the state to have conversations with these remarkable athletes.  Learn about Olympian qualities and don’t be surprised to see them in your students and your own families.

Visiting the Visitors is a holiday book full of meaning and hidden pictures